Todd W. Bressi — known for his consulting with Mural Arts Philadelphia and Philadelphia250, leadership of the design journal Places, and teaching at Penn and Pratt Institute — leads an innovative design practice that explores the intersection of public art, cultural planning, placemaking and city design.
Find out more about how we work with public agencies, community organizations, arts groups and private developers who are committed to creating lively, engaging public realms — and see public art, placemaking and design as key tools for accomplishing this.
Read about our vision here.
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In Memoriam, Allan Jacobs, 1928-2025
It was my great good fortune to have been mentored in my urban design career by Allan Jacobs, who passed away earlier this month. Jake was my professor and advisor at U.C. Berkeley,... READ MORE
Philadelphia Holocaust Memorial Plaza Mural
Proud to announce a major milestone in the project I am working on with Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation and Mural Arts Philadelphia. Many thanks to our team — Eszter, Sophie, Lindsey and Jane... READ MORE
Among These Are: Printmaking Popup
The citywide printmaking project I am leading for Mural Arts Philadelphia took a big leap last weekend with our first public pop-up workshop at Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll street festival. The project, Printmaking... READ MORE
Around and Around Rochester for the Arts and Culture Plan
I am just back from a whirlwind trip to Rochester, N.Y., where I am part of a team working on anarts and culture plan for the city and the surrounding county. My mission... READ MORE
A Symphony of Movement and Voice: HOXXOH at The Noble
Mural Arts’ most dynamic new mural this season stretches more than 300 feet along a wall thatencloses a new public space at the Noble, a recently-completed mixed-use building at 200Spring Garden Street. Miami-based... READ MORE
Printmaking by the People: Philadelphia Voices on 2026
Mural Arts has launched its flagship project to mark the nation’s semi-quincentennial, Printmaking by thePeople. I’m proud to have conceived and guided this project in collaboration with co-project managerLindsey Rosenberg. Printmaking by the... READ MORE
Tempo on the Trail
The first public artworks created under the Butler Trail’s Arts and Culture Plan are now on view!Through a collaboration between the Trail Conservancy and the City of Austin’s Art in PublicPlaces Program, eight... READ MORE
Butler Trail Arts and Culture Plan Launched
Austin’s City Council approved a ground-breaking arts and culture plan for the Ann and Roy Butler Hike-Bike Trail, a ten-mile loop around Lady Bird Lake in the center of the city. Bressi led... READ MORE